Roland E-66: The first piece of hardware that came into play. Is still used for all kinds productions. This is because most of the "natural" instruments, e.g. Piano's, Guitars, Bass, Strings and Pipe Leads are beautiful. Everybody has his taste. Some people like the "Yamaha" sounds better. But if you have a studio.... of any kind, a "Roland" is a "must have" piece of equipment.
Roland TB-303: Not used as much as its supposed to be used. If we do use the "303" , we usually make it as simple as possible. No complicated riffs. We get them from "ReBirth".

Roland MC-303: This was the first piece of hardware that we bought especially for the "dance-sounds". You hear everybody say that this is the only thing you'll need if you want to produce "dance-music". It actually is! But for the serious musician this isn't enough.

Yamaha CS1x (twice): That's why we bought something else with it. The "Yamaha CS1x" is one "hell" of a machine. Its got a huge variaty of GREAT performances. That's why we've got two of them. And it works!! We used them both very intens for our first album.

Yamaha CS2x: For the second album we wanted some new sounds. I mean, don't get me wrong. Two "CS1x's" are great. But the sounds were a bit out- dated. And because our budget wasn't that huge aswel, the "Yamaha CS2x" was a good buy. A GREAT one actually. Follow-ups aren't usually that good, but in "Yamaha's" case it worked well, with some even better performances.

Novation Drumstation: Dennis wanted to have a real drumcomputer instead of those sometimes dreadful samples. The "Novation Drumstation" was a logical decision.

Novation Supernova: This is a GREAT synth-module. If there is one synth out there you can use, stand-alone with nothing else, this is it!! One of the most powerfull synths today. It has a 8-part multitimbrallity, but on all 8 parts you 've got 7 different effects. So as you can imagine, this is one powerfull machine.

Roland JP-8080: Another GREAT synth-module. This also is a must have for people who needs 'Xsessive' leads, basses, pads and other stuff. Not as poweful as the Supernova. But with its other qualities, this is another beauty.

Waldorf MicroQ: This little baby is one of a kind. It has wonderful sounds and a couple of old favorites. This, like the JP-8080, can be used for those favorite leads and basses you always hear in typical 'Dutch-Trance' productions. We've first used it in a remix contest which was held by Armin van Buuren. Check out the remix at our site.

Zoom Studio 1202: Later on in the production of the second album we lacked effects. These were especially needed for the "Drumstation", since it doesn't have any on-board effects. We didn't need much. So decided on a "Zoom Studio". A real good piece of hardware. Never to be missed since.

ART Quadra/FX: Another effects-unit. But we haven't used it yet.

Alesis 3630 Compressor: A month after the buy of the "Zoom", the "Alesis Compressor" was bought. Nowadays you have to have something like this to get the "B" back into "Bass". And for a budget compressor it has everything that we need.

Emagic AMT-8 (twice): Not much to say here. Because of all the MIDI-harware, we ran out of outputs. Nowadays we use two AMT-8 for all the necessary equipment.

Phonic MM122 Desktop Mixer (sub-mixer): The "Phonic" was the first mixer that we bought. Because we ran out of outputs..... again..... we bought a bigger and better mixer. The "Phonic" is a good mixer. That's why we still have it in our setup. But then as a 'sub-mixer', mainly used for the two Novation's, because of the "Drumstation's" and "Supernova's" eight different outputs.

Spirit Folio F1 14/2 Studio Mixer: The main mixer in the "MoB" setup. Again, a good piece of equipment.

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