Interface - September 2000 (Translated)
(Journeys was sent in and See Me Cry (Radio Edit) was chosen to be on the Demo-CD)
'Masters of Balance' are Anthony Day & Dennis Coerse. This duo is doing their job pretty good. A nice CD-layout, a bio with beautiful clichés and a CD with professionally sounding trancy dancetracks. The chords and melodies sometimes sound like Jean Michel Jarre. 'See Me Cry' has an exciting theme that, like most of the tracks, does me think of all sorts of songs, although I can't put my finger on it. The funny thing is that after the intro there's nothing really happening and even the long version (we're using the 7") lacks suprises. For DJ's it's nice to have a track that builds down to the intro, so they can spin another record behind it. Like most of the tracks on this CD, I find that they lack build-ups. It's all done with the standard build-up. A bit of variation can't do no harm. The rhythm-track, on the other hand, is pumping like it's supposed to. With the melody, this makes 'See Me Cry' a very good track.
Songs are arranged on a Pentium III 500, which is running Cakewalk and mixed on a Spirit Folio. Their kitlist consists of a TB-303, MC-303, CS1x, CS2x and a Novation Drumstation. The timing of the bassline (CS1x?) is a bit weak and the pingpong-effect could be quite annoying on the dancefloor. The mix is well done. The bassline is sometimes a bit distorted and a doses of huge compression gives character to the track. All tracks are professionally arranged and mixed, but it sometimes lacks suprises, which makes it hard to hear the difference between existing dancetracks. But nonetheless, 'See Me Cry' is strong enough to forget about the criticism...... (Bart Groenhof, September 2000)
Future Music (Dutch Edition) - August 2000 (Translated):
(Journeys was sent in and See Me Cry (Original Version) was chosen to be on the Demo-CD)
The Track
your hands up in the air. But that might aswell be me! Is this new? Maybe not, but there's something about this track. 'Balance' know what they are doing and are delivering a superb track. The track begins with a tight beat, that keeps on growing in size. After that an arpeggio kicks in and after a while they introduce the main lead. Maybe the gap between the third and fourth minute is a bit too long, but when the break ends, you're too busy jumping up and down. Put some vocals in the track and Sash! can clean up afterwards. A few will do, just to keep you on your feet. "I had a dream last night".....
The Demo
They must be joking with the Intro (and Outro). They sound awfully close to one of Jean Michel Jarre' synthlines. The synth string sounds exactly the same. Is that the only thing that counts? We won't discuss it any further. The second track could be described as 'Jarre 2000'. The track has a good build-up but lacks on certain points. The third track lets us listen to the 'Radio Edit' of 'See Me Cry'. It's a good job, but maybe it's a bit too short. Not much variation. I prefer the 'Original Edit'. What I'm trying to say here is that every tracks has something familiar. The music from 'Balance' lies somewhere between Jarre, Vangelis and the commercially club - trance songs from the past year. A Pizzicato sounds is something that we have heard plenty of times.
When the 'Masters' become more experienced with their own style, and use less of the music already out there, we could be in for a suprise...!! This was the second time that you got featured in this magazine. Send me a third demo... with a copy of your signed recorddeal. (Auke van der Gaast, August 2000)
Future Music (Dutch Edition) - June 1999 (Translated):
(The Album was sent in and Dreamworld was chosen to be on the Demo-CD)
The Track
Trance labels, come on! There are DJ's that can mix this track, without any problems, and with succes. The track doesn't take that long, about 5 and a half minutes, but in that timespace the track is always in motion. Build-ups, changes, a middle part which is used to catch your breath and finally another build-up to a climax....... And that's the way a "Trance" track is supposed to be. It's an ideal track which can be mixed during a set. I can hear a DJ spinning this track, followed by an even more thumping song which is mixed exactly right, so that the crowd goes mad. The melody isn't that special and it isn't really catchy, so it won't be a next radio-hit. But because of the always increasing melody, it's a perfect track to get the crowd going.
The Demo
What America is for "Techno", England for "Jungle" en Sweden for "Gimmick- pop", The Netherlands is for "Dreamtrance". In no other counrty the TR-909 kicks, snares, dreamy chords and climaxes are so extensively used as in The Netherlands. Enough psychology. Let's get back to the demo. This demo contains eight tracks which all fit the "Dreamtrance" description, but some of the tracks have a breakbeat basic. All basic ideas en melodies are great. A minor point is the build-up, which causes an expected climax to be left out. "Voices" is a good example: It starts terifficaly with a great club beat, that is followed by a catchy synth sound. After the break the track continues, but without the catchy synth melody, which causes the track to become less interesting. Later on the synth sound returns, but in a less catchy melody. The expectations of the track does, because of this, not quit reach its high. Despite of this, Masters of Balance deserve the atention of the "Trance-boys" in The Netherlands. With a bit more work in the build-up, they could easily score a big hit and play along in the big leagues... (Jan Katsma, June 1999)